Access and Inclusion

As set out in our aims and values, BiCon 2018 wishes to celebrate diverse bisexual people and be as accessible as possible. We have created this section so that we can let you know what we are doing to be more inclusive of all aspects of your identity and try to address various needs. There is an access report of the venue available here, as well as other information about the daytime and evening space and accommodation, and if you have any questions about those please email us at the address below.

Should you, at any point during the event, experience anything that might be classified as discrimination or harassment, please contact a member of the team. There will be a method to anonymously report such incidents, and named reporters of discrimination or harassment will be consulted with before any action is taken. Please see our Code of Conduct for more information on acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

As ever BiCon 2018 is run by volunteers, and this year we have less time and few people to do the neccessary work. Therefore we have teamed up with the Equality Network to support our work on Access and Diversity with some paid staff time, so that these vital areas don't get neglected.

Should you have any concerns, queries or suggestions about access and equality please e-mail and we will respond as quickly as we can.