The Grand Announcement of the BiCon Ball

Saturday night of BiCon is always a special occasion, and this year on Saturday 4th August we invite you to join us for… fanfare please…

The Mythical Bisexual Ball

Bisexual erasure can make us feel like other bisexuals are just a myth so for one night only we’re taking our place and partying with the gods, heroes, fantastic beasts and all that is fabulously fantastic.

For people who love to dress up there are lots of costume ideas, from legends of ancient times to modern myths and our own fabulous and not-so-mythical selves.

Myths and Folklore – dragon, centaur, cyclops, elf, fairy, phoenix, satyr, troll, hero
Modern myths including aliens, cryptic beasts like Bigfoot, wizards and fantastic beasts, marvellous heroes
Mythical Bisexual – either a fantasy creation or your own fabulous self

There's still time to get involved…

We are still looking for volunteer DJs, people to help decorate, bake cakes or make mythical snacks or any other suggestions you have to add to the fun. We'd love to hear from you, so please email Ball organiser Carol at

Booking deadlines, and good news for children at BiCon

Thanks to everyone who has booked for BiCon already – it's a real boost to see bookings coming in and helps us to plan a lovely BiCon for you  (not to mention pay for it…) The sooner we get your bookings the better BiCon will be for everyone including the team!

Booking Deadlines

After agreeing deadline with our onsite accommodation provider we can now confirm that the deadline for booking and paying for tickets with on site accommodation is Wednesday 13th June.  It is possible for people in financial difficulty to arrange a later final payment date, but this HAS to be agreed in writing with us and must still be paid by Friday 13th July.

If you don't need accommodation on site you can still book and pay for BiCon either in advance up to a week before the event itself or on the door in cash.


We can now also confirm that we will be able to offer a crèche within the University House building. This will be provided by Bluey and Baloo who are professional crèche providers who provided the crèche for BiCon in 2016 and 2017 and we are very happy to be working with them again. We will confirm the exact crèche opening times nearer the time, but hope to cover all or most of the daytime session time. Children will need to be booked into the crèche in advance so please let us know when you book if you will be bringing children with you and we will send you a crèche booking form. The deadline for completed crèche booking forms is Friday 15th June.

Children in accommodation

We can now confirm that children of any age can stay in the same room as their adults in BiCon accommodation, however parents are not allowed to set up portable cots in the rooms due to fire regulations, so you would have to share the small double bed.

The maximum occupancy of each room is two, so if you have more than one child per adult you would need to book an extra room. If this applies to you or if you would prefer a separate room for your child please get in touch with us about child bedroom prices which will be subsidised.

BiCon Bookings Open and Site Update

As we announced in our last post, Salford University, The Student Union and the accommodation provider are all still willing to host us for BiCon 2018 – this is a great relief as without that, there would not have been a BiCon at all as there was not enough time or energy for another venue to be found. Now, just over a week later, we are ready to open bookings.

When we visited the venue last week we found many good things, but before we direct you to the bookings link we also wish to be upfront about some of the drawbacks of this venue which we may not be able to resolve in the four months we have until BiCon. There are some known issues and some questions which have yet to be answered. We are putting the information we have on the appropriate pages, but this post summarises the main challenges which at the present are most likely to affect parents of children, under 18s and some people with access needs

Good points

The venue is on a green, grassy campus with some slopes but no hills. The spaces we will be using are modern and well served for disabled access, with lifts to every floor except for a small part of the bar. There are pre-labeled gender neutral toilets as well as male and female ones which we will be using. There is plenty of social space in both the buildings we will be using as well as outside and the bar and cafe space we will be using in the evening is excellent. The accommodation is in flats with double beds and well fitted and spacious kitchens.


Although we have a provisional booking with an excellent creche provider, but we do not currently have a suitable place at the venue to host a creche for younger children. We are working with the venue to try and setup something suitable but may have to be creative in our provision of childcare support at this BiCon.

Named responsible-adult

All people under 18 will need a named "responsible adult" who is also attending BiCon, and this information will be shared with the venue as part of their safeguarding requirements. This includes young people aged 16 and 17 who are welcome to attend BiCon and appropriate workshops in their own right.  

Families in on-site accommodation

Although the accommodation supplier does allow under 18s when attending with a responsible adult our current understanding is that each person would need their own room. We are seeking clarification on this for people attending with younger children and babies but the on-site accommodation may turn out not to be suitable for them. We have been told that parents may not bring portable cots into rooms due to the providers own safety regulations.

Accessible accommodation

There are only a limited number of adapted rooms available through the accommodation provider, and some of them may be in a different block to the main BiCon accommodation and further away. Some adapted rooms have more adaptations than others. Their kitchen and living areas are larger than average with accessible lowered counters and similar. We did not get to see these rooms or flats during our site visit due to students occupying them but are hoping the venue can send us more details very soon. As they are very new, we hope they will be of a high standard.

Due to the limited number of adapted rooms BiCon's access officer will contact you to discuss your needs so we can try and accommodate as many people with access needs on-site as possible. Allocation will be by time-booked and need, so please do register as soon as possible.

Off-site accommodation

We are aware the on-site accommodation may not meet some people's needs and with a limited number of accessible rooms on site some people may wish to consider some of the many off-site accommodation options nearby. The BiCon team do not have the capacity to recommend or book any off-site accommodation for attenders, but we encourage people to share information and chat about this on the BiCon UK Facebook community.

The Access Fund may be able to assist with some of the additional costs associated with off-site accommodation, especially for disabled people and parents, but the fund is finite.

Session rooms

One of the drawbacks of this venue is the limited number of available rooms suitable for us to use for sessions and other purposes. We will be using one lecture theatre style room with fixed seating for plenaries and some sessions (there is some wheelchair access including at the front) and three seminar style rooms. We will also have access to some other spaces, but  may have fewer than usual sessions in each slot and have to use the other spaces in creative ways.


Click here to book for this year's BiCon!

There will be a deadline for booking on site accommodation which we will update you on as soon as we have it confirmed. In the meantime if you can book and pay in full by PayPal now please do as that will make the team's lives a lot easier and the more rooms we are able to confirm the more likely we are to be able to extend booking.

As we are still waiting for information and to finalise which areas we are hiring from the venue, we may not be able to answer all questions straight away. We do however welcome questions as they let us know what people are expecting and needing. We will send an acknowledgement and then a proper answer as soon as we can.

If you are not sure you can attend due to financial, access or childcare considerations, you can book now and select the ‘invoice’ option at checkout. This will let you tell us your needs in the form so we can contact you about them and do our best to get your needs met. If once we have answers for you we find we cannot meet your needs, we would not charge you for BiCon.

Hello from your new BiCon 2018 team!

As you'll see in the announcement from BiCon Continuity Limited the three of us have taken over the job of making BiCon 2018 happen. I am Rowan Alison, and I'll be working with Carol Tierney and Steve Ratcliff.

We are visiting the Salford venue mid next week and once we have a better idea of what BiCon 2018 will look like we hope to be able to open some bookings on Thursday 12th April. The prices will remain the same as already announced. Once we have further information from the venue we will ensure the booking period is as long as possible and if needed it will be extended for those paying by installments.

We have received a number of fantastic offers of volunteering and support – those people who have contacted Continuity or the email account should hear from us in the next two days.

If you have any questions please do email us on – we cannot guarantee that we will see communications in other places. We will do our best to reply as quickly as we can but please do allow us a few days.

We look forward to making BiCon 2018 the best it can possibly be.