Times marches on and there is now only ONE WEEK before the accommodation deadline for BiCon. This means you have to have BOOKED AND PAID by 13th June or you don't get a bedroom. As you may be able to tell this is the time when your lovely BiCon team get super stressed, so be kind and patient with us and do book as soon as possible if you're going to.
Other things to do as soon as possible are:-
- Let us know your flat sharing preferences. See this post for more details of that, but basically we need you to email 2018@bicon.org.uk with any requests.
- Remind your friends to book by the deadline (especially if you want to share a flat with them!)
- Reply to us if we have contacted you about the Access fund or the BME bursary fund or asked you about your Access needs or anything else
- Check your spam if you don't think we've contacted you but should have, and if that fails email 2018@bicon.org.uk and ask about whatever it was
- Keep up with paying your instalments if you have agreed an instalment plan with us
- Let us know straight away if there are any problems with your booking, especially including not being able to pay by the deadline
And to the people who have done these things already THANK YOU – it all makes life so much easier for the volunteers who make BiCon happen!